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     U.S. History to 1865 Class 

 Course Description: 

7th grade U.S. History is designed to provide middle school students with the opportunity to gain a basic understanding of the following topics: Exploration, Colonization, Challenges of the New Nation, growth of Democracy, Constitution and Expansion.  Students will have the opportunity to develop a cultural understanding and raise awareness of the rights and responsibilities of good citizens. In addition, the course emphasizes the growth and development of critical thinking, basic study skills, research and communication skills. 

  • Feel free to view or download a copy of our class Syllabus for a more detailed description of the course, expectations and classroom policies.

  • Parents, ask your student for the Edmodo parent code, which enables you to view posts, upcoming due dates, access digital copies of notes and assignments, and receive reminders about our class.  Edmodo is especially great tool for athletes, when they miss class time due to sporting events.   I hope that having a full access to your 7th grader`s class account will assist you in supporting him/her at home.

  • You may also sign up to recieve classroom reminders via text massages using the app called Remind (instructions are on the right side of this page)  

       I   appreciate all you do for your middle schooler :) 

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